As suppliers of aluminium panels, Superior Insulated Panels provide a full range of cladding as well as glaze-in panels in a light yet durable aluminium construction.
If you require panels for windows, doors, shopfronts or general glazing and construction, contact us today for a quotation. We offer a range of made-to-order aluminium panels for new build projects and refurbishment of existing buildings too.

Suppliers of Aluminium Panels for windows, doors and construction.
Our aluminium panels draw on the expertise of our sister company, Superior Paint and Powder Coating, therefore, giving you a huge range of colours. Every one of our powder coated panels comes professionally pre-treated before painting. Therefore, you benefit from quality coloured panels finished to the most exacting coating standards.
Our polyester powder coated aluminium panels come powder coated in any RAL, Syntha Pulvin or British Standards reference. Also available is a choice of gloss, satin or matt shades as well as metallics.
As manufacturers and suppliers of aluminium panels, we offer excellent lead times with very competitive prices.
Suppliers of aluminium insulated panels with two skins of aluminium, bonded to a thermally insulated core. The aluminium skins come in thicknesses ranging from 0.6mm up to 3mm thickness depending upon the application.
Suppliers of aluminium panels for windows, doors and curtain walling.
We offer a wide range of thermal cores of varying thicknesses and materials. Panel insulation includes the more simple polystyrene foams as well as more complex composite and laminated materials. As a result, our panels work with any aluminium architectural glazing system.
Today’s modern architectural glazing systems, framing, curtain walling, windows or doors come with glazing depths to suit a variety of glass units, such as triple glazing. Therefore our panels come made in the same thickness as adjacent glass units, integral blinds or general cladding materials.
Door and window installers looking for professional suppliers of aluminium panels also benefit from a range of panel rebate options. We provide you with a normal square edge, meeting standard glazing thicknesses as well as rebated panels for other glazing cavities. For instance, a standard 24mm to 32mm glazing cavity but with a thicker overall panel for higher levels of insulation.
Our made to order panels utilise the latest bonding and adhesion technology. Therefore, architects, contractors and building managers benefit from durable panels with long service life, also complementing aluminium glazing and cladding.
Aluminium Panel Information:
- Aluminium sheet thickness: 0.6mm to 3mm maximum
- Panel Size Maximum: 4metres x 2metres
- Panel Thickness: 10mm – 300mm
Insulation types available:
- Standard Foam
- Polyisocyanurate
- Mineral Fibre
- Polyurethane
- Styrofoam timber
- Styrofoam with inner timber core.
U Value of insulation. Ranges from 0.025 to 1.25 wm2K
Suppliers of aluminium panels – get a quote today
Get in touch using our contact form and get a quick price on any of our powder coated aluminium panels, as well as our pressings, trims and other products. Alternatively, email us your sizes and specifications.