Our range of bespoke aluminium products provides made to order aluminium panels where you require a special shape, style or specification. We expertly craft our individual panel and pressing products meeting all manner of building requirements. Therefore, these are ideal for cladding contractors, window and curtain walling installers as well as general construction. They also integrate with other products such as aluminium pressings.

Bespoke aluminium products and panels.
Our experienced Technical Team works with you to create the ideal special order panels or other bespoke aluminium products. We cater for all manner of requirements, meeting either architect, end user or anyone else involved in the building specification. Every one of our made to order aluminium panels comes with the same high standard of manufacturing quality. You also get durable surface finishes and a choice of insulation products.
- Dual colour aluminium panels as well as those with made to order colours and surface finishes.
- Curved, shaped and special size pressings, insulated panels or cladding products.
- Ideal for all types of aluminium and steel windows, curtain walling or shopfronts.
Window and cladding contractors benefit from our tailor-made service using all types of leading aluminium systems. We work with all types of windows and doors where colour-rich insulated panels sit within standard or wider glazing rebates. Also available is a choice of cladding panels for the leading curtain walling systems, such as stick systems or structurally glazed products. Our made to order products also work with all manner of commercial doors at all sizes. We, therefore, help you create distinctive windows and doors for schools, hospitals, office buildings or the retail sector.
Specialist trade bespoke aluminium products and aluminium panel manufacturers.
We have access to the whole of the market in insulation material, bonding and adhesive materials as well as utilising our extensive manufacturing facilities with machining centres, saws, bending machines, guillotines and much more. Whatever your requirements in aluminium panels or cladding panels, Superior Insulated Panels can help.
We are one of the only panel manufacturers in the United Kingdom to also powder coat our own materials utilising our state of the art powder coating plant and offering powders and colours from the leading names in finishing such as Akzo Nobel, Interpon, Tiger and many more.
We currently work with a number of major building contractors, aluminium fabricators, systems companies and architects helping to create stunning buildings, rich in colour and texture with our range of aluminium insulated panels.
Contact us to see how Superior Insulated Panels can help you with your next project. We offer fast quotations and impressive lead times, as well as flexible delivery service.
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