Aluminium panels are an excellent way to add colour, insulation and a cladding feature to any new window, door or facade screen. Aluminium window panels can include standard sandwich insulated panels, but they also come in several other types, designed for ventilation, aesthetics or other functions.
The different types of aluminium window panels

Whether for residential or commercial buildings, aluminium window panels come in the following typical types and we explain the general usage and benefits. Using these aluminium window panels to create a shadow box on a building is popular. A shadow box creates depth to the front of a building as the sun moves around it during the day. The primary reason to use a shadow box in construction is to hide utilities and building elements behind windows and screens whilst still giving the appearance of a fully glazed window or facade.
Aluminium Rainscreen Panels
One of the most popular uses for insulated aluminium panels is as rainscreen panels. This is where panels can clad the entire outside of a building, cladding panels, curtain walling panels and other types. With many different types of insulation and colour available, rainscreen panels are a very cost-effective way to add colour, texture and fast exterior building coverage.
Aluminium Ventilated Panel
The aluminium ventilated panels can be just like opening aluminium windows, but don’t comprise any glass. Often used in the design of commercial buildings and developments of dwellings, these types of aluminium window panels are designed to still provide ventilation but not see what is behind the window.
These non-vision arrangements can be all aluminium or have a combination of aluminium outside and a more decorative material like coloured glass inside. Other types of aluminium ventilated panels are those with airflow between the inside and outside faces with suitable moisture and vapour reduction.
Look-alike aluminium window panels
The purpose of look-alike aluminium window panels is to give the appearance on the outside of glass, but inside is an aluminium back with insulation in between. Also designed to work like a shadow box, look-alike panels are widely used in curtain walling to hide floor slabs, internal staircases or other building details that design says should not be visible from the outside.
Aluminium Insulated Panels
Our most popular product, aluminium insulated panels, has many uses. They come in a substantial choice of colour, insulation options giving different performance levels, and different thicknesses and rebates, depending on what they’re being glazed into. Made of two powder-coated aluminium (or steel) skins, aluminium insulated panels make are not just for windows. You can create signs, door skins, partitions and many other products.
Red-Cedar Aluminium Window Panels
Designed to add texture and a natural look to buildings are red-cedar panels. The outside uses red cedar wood that ages over times and gives a distinctive warm look to a building. Behind the red cedar can be a choice of insulation options depending on the building type and level of insulation required. These wood-faced aluminium window panels naturally age and weather over time and change their appearance.
Aluminium Louvre Panels
Designed for permanent ventilation at all times are aluminium panels with built-in louvres. Available as fixed modules and also suitable for windows and doors, aluminium louvres are used in boiler rooms, plant rooms, bin and bike stores, electricity substations and other similar applications. Behind the powder coated or anodised louvres can be flyscreens, preventing insects or birds from getting into the area behind. Some louvres come as individual modular units, others are designed to glaze in just like glass.
Get a free quote today for aluminium panels

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