Superior Insulated Panels has one significant advantage over other panel suppliers and manufacturers. Our powder coated aluminium insulated panels are coloured by us. Hardly any panel suppliers or manufacturers in the UK today have their own Qualicoat Approved powder coating facility. Our in-house powder coating plant helps you buy aluminium panels, pressings or louvres better, faster and cheaper.

Powder coated aluminium insulated panels at the best prices and lead times.
Unlike other panel manufacturers, we are not dependent upon external powder coaters to paint the aluminium sheet before it can be fabricated into insulated panels. This means we have total control over our manufacturing processes.
- Superior Insulated Panels are not reliant, unlike other panel manufacturers, upon external suppliers for powder coating.
- Superior Insulated Panels can perform urgent orders and fast turnaround requirements where others can’t.
- Often powder coaters will only offer colours in the powders they stock. We offer a larger range of powders than any other panel or pressing manufacturer and supplier.
- Superior Insulated Panels are not reliant upon the lead times for powder coating aluminium sheet or pressings from external suppliers outside our control
- Superior Insulated Panels are able to source special colours and bespoke requirements in-house faster than other panel manufacturers.
Anyone who presently works with powder-coated material will know the delays caused when, for example, your powder coater may not be able to paint material to your preferred lead times or in cases where the material has been delayed or needs stripping and re-coating owing to defects.

Superior Insulated Panels are able to overcome the issues often associated with relying on external suppliers as we have total control over the polyester powder coating process. The reliance upon the external supply chain is overcome and means superior service to our customers.
Additionally, our prices for small batch orders will be significantly cheaper than other panel manufacturers as the minimum paint charge applied by all powder coaters on small orders will not have a hefty markup applied to it. This means our panels are more competitively priced.
Powder coated aluminium insulated panels – get a quote today.
If you currently buy insulated panels or pressings from your existing supplier, you will already have experienced restrictions on colour choices or powder, lead times governed by external painters and extended delays in the event of rejected material. Powder coated aluminium insulated panels at the highest quality, best prices and lead times.
We are in the unique position of painting and coating our own aluminium panels, pressings and architectural fabrications. If you currently buy elsewhere, contact us to find out how Superior Insulated Panels can help you.