Superior Insulated Panels manufacture a broad range of panels suitable for glazing into doors, windows or screens. We also provide a full range of architectural cladding panels for construction.

We are frequently contacted by door and window installers, building contractors, maintenance companies and cladding contracts asking for prices and information on our range of aluminium powder coated or aluminium PVF2 finished panels. In order to help you provide the right information for prices and ordering, we have prepared a short guide to help you.
How to order aluminium panels.
The provision of quotations for aluminium panels and to process an order, a professional supplier of aluminium panels will require key information to be provided by the customer. This is so we can accurately prepare a quotation as well as being sure we have interpreted your order requirements correctly.
Order Reference
An order reference is always useful so you can easily identify your aluminium panels when they are delivered. We can even mark aluminium panels to specific frame types such as Window W1 or Door D1. This helps you identify large volumes of panels easily speeding up installation on site.
Quantity of aluminium panels required
Please provide the required quantity of aluminium panels. This may sound obvious, however for the pricing of aluminium panels a known quantity can help us optimise the aluminium sheets and insulation better as well as the powder used in the painting of your panels. All this can help keep prices lower. If only a small quantity of panels is required a minimum order change and minimum paint charge may apply.
The colour required.
We offer a full finishing service via our sister company, Superior Paint and Powder Coating Ltd. Please provide the required colour from the relevant colour swatches stating whether you require satin, matt or gloss finishes.
If any special guarantee such as marine or other environmental is required, please apply for this at the time you obtain a quotation.
The thickness of aluminium panels needed.
The thickness of aluminium panel will be required so it can be made to fit correctlyt within the chosen glazing system such as a door or curtain walling screen. We offer thicknesses from 6mm up to bespoke sizes and thicknesses.
The edge detail of the aluminium panels.
For panels being glazed into aluminium system, a standard square edge detail will usually suffice. If aluminium panels are being fitted as cladding panels or to curtain walling, we can provide stepped panels in a wide variety of thicknesses. You can find out more about edge details on aluminium panels.
Insulation requirements for aluminium panels.
At Superior Insulated panels we offer a range of insulation for aluminium panels. These range from standard styrofoam cores to more advanced acoustic, thermal or fire protection insulation. Contact us if you are unsure what insulation is best for your project and we can help.
Other considerations for ordering and pricing aluminium panels.
It will help us to know if your panel requirements are part of an ongoing contract. For example you may want panels to be provided in phases to meet the construction schedule. Please do tell us if this is the case. We can estimate a contract based upon the total requirement even if it may not be required all at the same time.
This information is also useful to ensure that the polyester powder ordered is from the same powder manufacturer that will keep the colour consistent even if deliveries and production is staggered.
Contact us if you would like more information on our range of aluminium insulated panels and to obtain prices and specifications.