In August 2014 Superior Insulated Panels secured a contract for the supply of bespoke aluminium cladding sheets and pressings as part of the ongoing refurbishment of Denning Point, London. These specialist fabricated aluminium products will be used in the external refurbishment of the building as part of work for specialist contractor Cladding UK Ltd.
Cladding UK Ltd are a specialist company undertaking refurbishment products that include external rain screen cladding, curtain walling and window and door replacement works.
Superior Insulated Panels are working on the ongoing refurbishment of Denning Point, London.

Denning Point in London, was constructed in 1968 and comprises 82 flats spanning the 22 storey height of the building.
An older residential building typical of many tower blocks constructed in London at the time, the fabric of Denning Point is already in need of substantial repair. Typical problems include the brick cavity walls that are the original type with poor insulation and the original steel single single-glazed windows which are approaching the end of their life and suffering from condensation.
Tower Hamlets Council is now working on refurbishing the entire complex of buildings comprising retail units, car parking, public open spaces and dwellings.
Individually designed and manufactured Aluminium Cladding Sheets and Pressings.
Superior Insulated Panels are providing bespoke 3mm thick aluminium sheet that will be shaped and fabricated to the precise requirements of the external cladding sheets and pressings required.
The aluminium sheet starts as stock mill finish sheets typically 1500mm wide by 3000mm long. The pressings required are cut from these sheets using sophisticated software. This software looks at the entire project and determines how best to optimise each aluminium sheet. By using this process to establish the most economic way of cutting each individual aluminium sheet it reduces wastage and keeps the prices low for the customer.
Once cut to the required size we use our own routing, machining and pressing equipment. This will shape and press each individual sheet to the precise design required by the customer. The sheet will be shaped and bent in varying angles and positions to create the finished pressing.
Once all cutting and machining processes are completed the aluminium cladding sheets and pressings are ready to be polyester powder coated.
The architects for the Denning Point project specified RAL 9006 silver metallic finish. This is a very popular powder coating finish that is similar to silver anodised. Where previously silver anodised finishes were popular in construction, the development of RAL 9006 over recent years has provided a colour that can replicate the look of anodised finishes yet offers all the advantages of polyester powder coating.
This will be particularly beneficial in meeting the demanding external environment of a city building that is high rise, with no protected elevations and exposed to the weather and contaminants typical of a city environment.
Superior Insulated Panels will work with Cladding UK in providing external aluminium cladding products and pressings for a new external facade to the building that will follow the lines of the existing slab edges and brick wall infills.
New windows will also be provided that will feature glazed aluminium spandrel panels. The matt finish of the metallic RAL 9006 will blend in with the original aesthetics of the building and the aluminium pressings will form part of the new metal reveals.